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When does Wake Up: Why the world has gone nuts drop? Looking for Wake Up: Why the world has gone nuts publication? You’ve come to the right place. See below for the latest Wake Up: Why the world has gone nuts publication information!

Wake Up: Why the world has gone nuts
A book by:
Publisher: HarperCollins
Wake Up: Why the world has gone nuts RELEASE DATE
Wake Up: Why the world has gone nuts Synopsis
It’s time we get back to common sense.
It’s time to cancel the cancel culture.
It’s time to Wake Up.If, like me, you’re sick and tired of being told how to think, speak, eat and behave, then this book is for you.
If, like me, you think the world’s going absolutely nuts, then this book is for you.
If, like me, you think NHS heroes and Captain Tom are the real stars of our society, not self-obsessed tone-deaf celebrities (and royal renegades!), then this book is for you. If, like me, you’re sickened by the cancel culture bullies destroying people’s careers and lives, then this book is for you. From feminism to masculinity, racism to gender, body image to veganism, mental health to competitiveness at school, the right to free speech and expressing an honestly held opinion is being crushed at the altar of ‘woke’ political correctness.
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