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Saving Time
A book by:
Publisher: Headline
Saving Time Synopsis
From the bestselling author of THE CHRONICLES OF ST MARY'S.
The further antics of Luke, Jane and Matthew.
Aka Team Weird.
Aka the three most unlikely recruits ever to join the Time Police.FOR FANS OF DOCTOR WHO, BEN AARONOVITCH AND JASPER FFORDE.
Readers love the Time Police:
'This got five stars only because I couldn't give it six!'
'I don't think I've ever laughed out loud so much reading a book'
'I am always gutted when I finish a Jodi Taylor book as I know I will have to wait for the next one'
'Joyous, breakneck-speed adventures'
'Lots more in this series please'
'This book is BRILLIANT'
'Brilliantly conceived and flawlessly written'
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