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When does Lightning Game drop? Looking for Lightning Game publication? You’ve come to the right place. See below for the latest Lightning Game publication information!

Lightning Game
A book by:
Publisher: Thorndike Press Large Print
Lightning Game RELEASE DATE
Lightning Game Synopsis
Danger and passion fuse in this electrifying GhostWalker novel from #1 New York Times bestselling author Christine Feehan.
GhostWalker Rubin Campo’s rough upbringing made him into the man he is today: strong, steadfast and wary of outsiders. When he and his brother return to their family’s homestead in the Appalachian Mountains, he can immediately sense that a stranger has taken up residence in their cabin—a woman who just happens to be a GhostWalker too.
Jonquille looks deceptively delicate but is clearly a fighter. She also doesn’t seem to care that Rubin could kill her where she stands. She sought him out, wanting to connect on their shared interest in electrical charges. As one of the first failed GhostWalker experiments, Jonquille can produce lightning with her body—but she can’t control it.
Their connection is magnetic, their abilities in sync. Rubin knows she’s his match, the answer to a lifetime of pain and intense loneliness. But Jonquille came to him with hidden intentions, ones that threaten to destroy their bond before it can truly begin.…
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