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Heart And Soul
A book by:
Publisher: St. Martin's Paparbacks, St. Martin's Press, St. Martin's Publishing Group
Heart And Soul Synopsis
#1 New York Times bestselling author Nora Roberts presents Heart and Soul, two classic novels of passion and suspense in one volume.
From This Day
To hotel manager B. J. Clark, the Lakeside Inn is more than just a historic New England landmark, it's a place both staff and guests call home. So when wealthy hotelier Taylor Reynolds decides to add it to his global hospitality empire with plans to modernize its charm and character, B. J. prepares herself to resist this takeover. But she didn't prepare for their heated discussions to take place behind closed doors where more passionate desires would arise.
Storm Warning
Back in rural Virginia to run her aunt's mountain inn, Autumn Gallegher is surprised to find the resort so full of guests--and shocked to discover Lucas McLean among them. A writer of extraordinary depth and talent, Lucas's way with words won Autumn's love in a passionate affair that he ended without warning. Three years later, she's still drawn to his dark intensity and desires him more than ever. But when a guest's dead body is discovered, Lucas becomes the prime suspect. And while Autumn still loves Lucas, she also has evidence that could convict him of murder...
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I never know when it’s a New book or rewrite, I keep All Nora Roberts and J D Robb book’s and reread them over and over