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Someday With You
A book by:
Publisher: Silhouette
Someday With You RELEASE DATE
Someday With You Synopsis
Two classic stories of having a second chance to embrace life and discover love
Cordina’s Crown Jewel
On the run from the palace, Her Royal Highness Camilla de Cordina wants to be just plain Camilla MacGee, even if it’s only for a few precious weeks. Working in rural Vermont for the devastatingly handsome and utterly cantankerous archaeologist Delaney Caine is the perfect refuge. But Camilla’s irritation with the man soon turns into fascination, then desire, and soon the royal runaway knows she’ll have to confess her secret…
Unfinished Business
It’s been twelve years, but very little in Hyatt Town, Maryland, has changed. Vanessa Sexton, a successful concert pianist, has finally come home to the small town after having her heart shattered all those years ago. In some ways her high school sweetheart, Brady Tucker, hasn’t changed much, either—he is still lean, athletic, rugged… But the once-reckless boy has become a solid, dependable man. He’d stood her up on the most important night of her life; can she ever trust him again?
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