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When does Mudlarking: Lost and Found on the River Thames drop? Looking for Mudlarking: Lost and Found on the River Thames publication? You’ve come to the right place. See below for the latest Mudlarking: Lost and Found on the River Thames publication information!

Mudlarking: Lost and Found on the River Thames
A book by:
Publisher: Bloomsbury Circus
Mudlarking: Lost and Found on the River Thames RELEASE DATE
Mudlarking: Lost and Found on the River Thames Synopsis
'Driven by curiosity, freighted with mystery and tempered by chance, wonders gleam from every page' Melissa Harrison
Mudlark (/'mAdla;k/) noun A person who scavenges for usable debris in the mud of a river or harbour
Lara Maiklem has scoured the banks of the Thames for over fifteen years, in pursuit of the objects that the river unearths: from Neolithic flints to Roman hair pins, medieval buckles to Tudor buttons, Georgian clay pipes to Victorian toys. These objects tell her about London and its lost ways of life.
Moving from the river's tidal origins in the west of the city to the point where it meets the sea in the east, Mudlarking is a search for urban solitude and history on the River Thames, which Lara calls the longest archaeological site in England.
As she has discovered, it is often the tiniest objects that tell the greatest stories.
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