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Catch My Heart
A book by:
Publisher: Silhouette
Catch My Heart Synopsis
Don’t miss the exciting introduction to the Stanislaski series from #1New York Timesbestselling author Nora Roberts!
Composer Spencer Kimball and his young daughter are new to town. It’s a small community, and in such close quarters beauty is hard to miss—and when he sets eyes on Natasha Stanislaski, he’s thunderstruck by the intensity of his attraction. The former ballet dancer turned toy shop owner has a fiery temperament that draws Spencer like a moth to a flame. However, he isn’t sure if Natasha would be interested in a single father. Sensing a hidden wound, Spencer and his little girl join forces to find a way into Natasha’s closely guarded heart. He’ll do whatever it takes to tame Natasha’s fears…and show her how to love.
Previously published.
Nothing in Sydney Hayward’s background of wealth and privilege had prepared her to take the helm of her grandfather’s business. Her new responsibilities leave no time for complications. Sydney has learned the hard way that she could never trust anyone, but her tenant Mikhail Stanislaski is hard to resist. Down-to-earth, yet stubborn, he comes from a world utterly different from her own. She doesn’t have room in her life for romance—but Mikhail seems to know exactly how to win her over...one smoldering kiss at a time.
Previously published.
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