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A Place To Belong
A book by:
Publisher: Central Avenue Publishing
A Place To Belong RELEASE DATE
A Place To Belong Synopsis
Millie Jo Gordon cannot remember a time before she loved Wyatt Rawley – at age five, she told her parents that she would marry him someday, a tale retold since her childhood. Now, many years later, Millie is seventeen and more deeply in love than ever. At twenty-three, sweet, passionate Wy, only a few semesters away from practicing veterinary medicine, secretly returns those feelings. In the ripe heat of summer, Wy at last confesses and the two share a week of sublime happiness before a heartbreaking revelation forces them apart.
Years pass, following each in their separate lives – Wy a talented and well-respected vet whose marriage to another is only an aching reminder of what he could have had with Millie. Meanwhile, Millie attends college to become an equine therapist, grappling with her enduring and unspoken connection to Wy, a love that refuses to wither and leave her in peace. An emotional love story about the momentous ways that even the smallest of choices can forever shape our lives.
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