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When does The Galaxy, And The Ground Within drop? Looking for The Galaxy, And The Ground Within publication? You’ve come to the right place. See below for the latest The Galaxy, And The Ground Within publication information!

The Galaxy, And The Ground Within
A book by:
Publisher: HarperVoyager, Hodder & Stoughton
The Galaxy, And The Ground Within RELEASE DATE
The Galaxy, And The Ground Within Synopsis
The stunning finale to the award-winning Wayfarers series by Becky Chambers, author of the beloved The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet.
When a freak technological failure halts traffic to and from the planet Gora, three strangers are thrown together unexpectedly, with seemingly nothing to do but wait.
Pei is a cargo runner at a personal crossroads, torn between her duty to her people, and her duty to herself.
Roveg is an exiled artist, with a deeply urgent, and longed for, family appointment to keep.
Speaker has never been far from her twin but now must endure the unendurable: separation.
Under the care of Ouloo, an enterprising alien, and Tupo, her occasionally helpful child, the trio are compelled to confront where they've been, where they might go, and what they might be to one another.
Together they will discover that even in the vastness of space, they're not alone.
'Becky Chambers is a wonder, and I feel better for having her books in my life' JOHN CONNOLLY
'In a word, brilliant' ANDREW CALDECOTT
'A quietly profound, humane tour de force' GUARDIAN
'Chambers is simply an exceptional talent' TOR.COM
'Becky Chambers takes space opera in a whole new and unexpected direction' BEN AARONOVITCH
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