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When does The End Is Where We Begin drop? Looking for The End Is Where We Begin publication? You’ve come to the right place. See below for the latest The End Is Where We Begin publication information!

The End Is Where We Begin
A book by:
Publisher: Legend Press
The End Is Where We Begin RELEASE DATE
The End Is Where We Begin Synopsis
'I very much enjoyed this moving and absorbing book. In her compassionate depiction of one man’s struggle to live with the aftermath of trauma and loss, Maria Goodin weaves together a compelling cast of characters, drawing the reader into Jay’s quest to seek the forgiveness of others - and be able to forgive himself.'Fiona Valpy, best-selling author of The Dressmaker's Gift and The Beekeeper's Promise.Jay Lewis is a troubled soul. A single father, just trying to keep everything together, he knows he sabotages any real chance of happiness.
Tormented by nightmares and flashbacks, he can’t forget the events from one fateful night that steered the course of the rest of his life. Struggling against the crushing weight of guilt, Jay knows there are wrongs he needs to put right.
Determined to get closure, he seeks out old friends and a past love. But in his quest for a more peaceful future, is he ready to face the trauma of his past?
Praise for Nutmeg:
'A delicious confection. A tender fable about love and the power of the imagination to both sustain and heal us' Laura Harrington
'A beautifully quirky gem of a novel' Laissez Faire
'...a heartwarming story about love and the reasons why it's sometimes easier and kinder to tell lies rather than the truth... simply enchanting' Bookish Magpie
'[A] quirky and touching tale' Woman's Weekly
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