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When does The Cornish Cream Tea Christmas drop? Looking for The Cornish Cream Tea Christmas publication? You’ve come to the right place. See below for the latest The Cornish Cream Tea Christmas publication information!

The Cornish Cream Tea Christmas
A book by:
Publisher: HarperCollins
The Cornish Cream Tea Christmas RELEASE DATE
The Cornish Cream Tea Christmas Synopsis
Praise for Cressida McLaughlin:
‘Captivating’ Heat Magazine
‘Beautiful… heartwarming’ Zara Stoneley
‘A wonderful ray of reading sunshine’ Heidi Swain
Hannah Swan is looking forward to Christmas for the first time in years. Her new job as an eco-consultant is taking her – and her geeky colleague, Noah – to the beautiful Cornish village of Porthgolow for the first time.
They’re are helping the Crystal Waters Hotel to ramp up its green credentials, though after a bumpy journey, Hannah can’t shake off the feeling that Porthgolow is strangely familiar. Never able to resist a mystery, her interest is piqued when the hotel’s staff and customers report odd noises and sightings, believing the hotel to be haunted.
When bad weather cuts off Porthgolow, Hannah and Noah are looking at a Cornish Christmas. It gives them plenty of time to work out what is really going on, but will their yuletide escape send shivers up their spines? Or will it be as warm and toasty as a glass of mulled wine?
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