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Not a Diet Book
A book by:
Publisher: HarperCollins
Not a Diet Book RELEASE DATE
Not a Diet Book Synopsis
This is NOT a diet book
Are you ready to change your life? Welcome to the James Smith revolution.
Self-confessed disruptor of a billion-dollar diet industry, James is armed with every tool you’ll ever need to achieve incredible results from dieting, training, and staying in shape to identifying the fads, phonies and nonsense that get in the way of genuinely lasting progress.
But this is so much more than just losing fat. It’s getting to the root of why you always wear black; why you get undressed in the dark; why eating the foods you love make you feel guilty; why you’re afraid to step into the gym; why your confidence is at an all-time low; and how all of this is having a negative impact upon all areas of your life, relationships and happiness.
So, be prepared to transform your attitudes, fix bad habits, lose fat, gain confidence, and become the best possible version of yourself with the last ‘diet’ book you’ll ever need.
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