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When does The Awakening: The Dragon Heart Legacy (Book 2) drop? Looking for The Awakening: The Dragon Heart Legacy (Book 2) publication? You’ve come to the right place. See below for the latest The Awakening: The Dragon Heart Legacy (Book 2) publication information!
The Awakening: The Dragon Heart Legacy (Book 2)
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The Awakening: The Dragon Heart Legacy (Book 2) RELEASE DATE
The Awakening: The Dragon Heart Legacy (Book 2) Synopsis
#1 New York Times bestselling author of the epic Chronicles of The One trilogy returns with the 2nd in the much-anticipated series where parallel worlds clash over the struggle between good and evil.
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Just got done reading the Arc The Awakening: The Dragon Heart Legacy (Book 1). It’s absolutely fantastic and can’t wait for the 2nd & 3rd to come out.
Book 2 is scheduled to come out October 2021 – wish it wasn’t so long between release dates
I need to remember not to by the books until they are all released! I hate waiting!
I absolutely hate to wait. By the time book 2 is released, I will have to read book 1 again.
Can not wait for book two, October 2021 is so long to wait fir it (Dragon Heart Legacy) sure wish it was sooner, I will be another year older on October 7th 2021😖😖
Somewhat displeased that the release of book 2 is 10 months away. I agree with a previous comment: Best not to invest in a book series, financially or emotionally, until they are all released.
I feel the same way. I always say I’m going to wait until they’re all out but I can’t when I see a new title.
Excited but also disappointed that it’s such a wait for Book 2. I may just wait for Book 3 to buy them both together. I think releasing them all at the same would be a better option.
Loved this book – like everyone else, can’t wait for the second book, and more 🙂
Loved this book as I have almost every Nora Roberts (and J.D. Robb) book or series I’ve read. That said, I HATE waiting so-o-o long between books in a trilogy! As a firmly established author, she surely doesn’t need to fit into this marketing box to sell books. Many of us would prefer waiting much longer up front, then have a much shorter wait between books in a trilogy. I have to hang on THIS cliff for nearly a year – and even then will barely have my fingers healed before I have to hang on another one, I’m sure, for another year or so! Sigh…
I agree with all the above comments I am old and will probably be dead before book two and three are released
Loved this book. Very disappointed because now I have to wait for another 10 months to read next one. Don’t know weather that one is last in series or not
Love nora’s books , but like everyone else I read the awakening to soon , but just can’t wait for the new one’s, happy new year all
I always know I’ll anticipate the rest of a series, waiting until they’re all written and released, but I just couldn’t and jumped on Book 1 when it came out, it was SO GOOD! I’m super excited for Book 2! I’m very happy to wait, considering the massive amount of WORK that goes into writing 🙂 What a captivating story ♥♥
Just finished one! I am going to go crazy waiting on #2! What a great book and makes me want to travel even more to Ireland.
Had to read the 4 books in a series about the Donovans. Loved them and made this one even more special.
Such a wonderful gift to help the reader feel they are right there in Ireland and experiencing all with Breen!
As always Nora Roberts does not disappoint. Loved the story so much. Such varied characters woven into t he amazing story. Can’t wait for the journey to continue. 👏 to to you Nora Roberts. Just love your stories 🌹
Great Story with an expected end. Can’t wait for the next one in the series to come out
Just finished”The Awaking” it was wonderful! Can’t wait for book 2. Thank you.
Just finished Book One of The Dragon Heart Triloogy and can’t wait till Book Two is released. Reading previous replies it seems not until October… Boo hoo… 😩
Looking forward to the release ofThe Dragon Heart Trilogy Book Two . Reading previous replies it seems not until October… Boo hoo… 😩