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Dark Sky
A book by:
Publisher: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, Head of Zeus, Random House Large Print Publishing, Thorndike Press
Dark Sky Synopsis
#1 New York Times bestseller C.J. Box returns with a new Joe Pickett novel.
The governor of Wyoming has given game warden Joe Pickett the thankless assignment of taking a tech baron on a hunting trip. But unbeknownst to them, as they trek further into the wilderness, a hunter is hot on their heels. Joe must rely on his wits and his knowledge of the outdoors to protect himself and his charge.
Meanwhile, when Joe's closest friend Nate Romanowski and his own daughter Sheridan learn of the threat to his life, they follow him into the woods to rescue him, and all three come together for one final showdown.
Praise for C.J. Box:
'Heart-stoppingly good' Daily Mail
'Solid-gold A-list must-read' Lee Child
'I love Joe Pickett' Michael Connelly
'Exhilarating ... Gung-ho stuff' Sunday Times
'Box is an exemplary writer of crime novels' Financial Times
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Dark Sky:
A great read. Too much social media meets the Rockies. Fast paced. Joe Pickett is in his element as a survivalist. A Silicon Valley CEO is his ward. Yes, there is a Wolverine scene. And, no Nate is still roaming in the end of the novel. Joe Pickett is finally rewarded.