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When does What Abigail Did That Summer drop? Looking for What Abigail Did That Summer publication? You’ve come to the right place. See below for the latest What Abigail Did That Summer publication information!

What Abigail Did That Summer
A book by:
Publisher: Gollancz, Subterranean
What Abigail Did That Summer RELEASE DATE
What Abigail Did That Summer Synopsis
The brand new novella in the much-loved and #1 bestsellingRivers of London series!
Ghost hunter, fox whisperer, troublemaker.
It is the summer of 2013 and Abigail Kamara has been left to her own devices. This might, by those who know her, be considered a mistake. While her cousin, police constable and apprentice wizard Peter Grant, is off in the sticks, chasing unicorns, Abigail is chasing her own mystery. Teenagers around Hampstead Heath have been going missing but before the police can get fully engaged, the teens return home - unharmed but vague about where they've been.
Aided only by her new friend Simon, her knowledge that magic is real, and a posse of talking foxes that think they're spies, Abigail must venture into the wilds of Hampstead to discover who is luring the teenagers and more importantly - why?
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