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The Saracen's Mark
A book by:
Publisher: Atlantic Books
The Saracen's Mark RELEASE DATE
The Saracen's Mark Synopsis
1593: five years on from the Armada and England is taking its first faltering steps towards a future as a global power. On an undercover mission to find out the fate of one of the queen's informers, physician and reluctant spy, Nicholas Shelby, travels from the dark alleys of London to the dazzling Moor city of Marrakech. Meanwhile in London, Shelby's companion, Bianca Merton, must fight against the ravaging plague that is stalking the city. Can their budding relationship weather the threats of pestilence and conspiracy? And will Nicholas survive his mission and the unpredictability of Marrakesh to return home? A brilliantly realized, utterly compelling historical mystery that will take you to far-flung destinations and into the very heart of a deadly conspiracy.
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