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When does One: Pot, Pan, Planet: A greener way to cook for you, your family and the planet drop? Looking for One: Pot, Pan, Planet: A greener way to cook for you, your family and the planet publication? You’ve come to the right place. See below for the latest One: Pot, Pan, Planet: A greener way to cook for you, your family and the planet publication information!

One: Pot, Pan, Planet: A greener way to cook for you, your family and the planet
A book by:
Publisher: 4th Estate
One: Pot, Pan, Planet: A greener way to cook for you, your family and the planet RELEASE DATE
One: Pot, Pan, Planet: A greener way to cook for you, your family and the planet Synopsis
Award-winning cook Anna Jones blazes the trail again for how we all want to cook now: quick, sustainably and stylishly.
In this exciting new collection of over 200 simple recipes, Anna Jones limits the pans and simplifies the ingredients for all-in-one dinners that keep things fast and easy. These super varied every night recipes celebrate vegetables and deliver knock-out flavour but without taking time and energy.
There are one-tray dinners, like a baked dahl with tamarind-glazed sweet potato, quick dishes like tahini broccoli on toast, one-pot soups and stews like Persian noodle as well as one-pan fritters and pancakes such as golden rosti with ancho chilli chutney.
One brings together a way of eating that is mindful of the planet. Anna gives you practical advice and shows how every small change in planning, shopping and reducing waste will make a difference. There are also 100 recipes for using up any amount of your most-eaten veg and ideas to help you use the foods that most often end up being thrown away.
This book is good for you, your pocket and the planet.
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