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Menacing Misfits
A book by:
Publisher: Kindle
Menacing Misfits RELEASE DATE
Menacing Misfits Synopsis
If Harry Potter lived in Middle Earth and had to loot dungeons to pay his school fees
When Jack Vance's grandfather is murdered, his dying words are to get Jack to promise to attend Darkthorn Academy. Jack doesn't like it, but he'll do what is necessary to honor the man who raised him.
Surviving Darkthorn Academy won't be easy. Jack will have to make alliances, learn to harness magic and face dangerous enemies, both alive and dead. If he's lucky he might just make it to second year.
A coming of age, sword and sorcery fantasy adventure with gamelit aspects, including a slightly overpowered MC, a dragon companion, and a team of adventurers. Inspired by games like Skyrim and Diablo 2 and Fallout.
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The book was awesome. Now can’t wait for Book 2.
It was a great book… when will the 2nd book be released?