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When does Many Different Kinds of Love: A story of life, death and the NHS drop? Looking for Many Different Kinds of Love: A story of life, death and the NHS publication? You’ve come to the right place. See below for the latest Many Different Kinds of Love: A story of life, death and the NHS publication information!

Many Different Kinds of Love: A story of life, death and the NHS
A book by:
Publisher: Ebury Press
Many Different Kinds of Love: A story of life, death and the NHS RELEASE DATE
Many Different Kinds of Love: A story of life, death and the NHS Synopsis
Will I wake up?'
'There's a 50:50 chance.'Michael Rosen wasn't feeling well. Soon he was struggling to breathe, and then he was admitted to hospital, suffering from coronavirus as the nation teetered on the edge of a global pandemic.
What followed was months on the wards: six weeks in an induced coma, and many more weeks of rehab and recovery as the NHS saved Michael's life, and then got him back on his feet. Throughout Michael's stay in intensive care, a notebook lay at the end of his bed, where the nurses who cared for him wrote letters of hope and support. Embarking on the long road to recovery, Michael was soon ready to start writing about his near-death experience.
Combining stunning new prose poems by one of Britain's best loved poets and the moving coronavirus diaries of his nurses, doctors and wife Emma-Louise Williams, this is a beautiful book about love, life and the NHS. Featuring original illustrations by Chris Riddell, each page celebrates the power of community, the importance of kind gestures in dark times, and the indomitable spirits of the people who keep us well.
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