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When does Finally You drop? Looking for Finally You publication? You’ve come to the right place. See below for the latest Finally You publication information!

Finally You
A book by:
Publisher: MIRA
Finally You Synopsis
For two couples, discovering each other means finally finding love
No CompetitionLocal architect Shayne Reynolds is an art collector, but when it comes to Carrie Lockett, he's as interested in the artist as he is in her California landscapes and stunning portraits. The talented and reclusive Carrie, however, rejects his overtures, but she won't tell him why...even though he knows she returns his feelings.
All Things Considered
Single mom Lanni Matthiessen has worked hard to make a nice life for her daughter. She never expected to see her trouble-magnet ex, Judd, ever again. So why did it feel so right to Lanni when Judd walked back into her life? And why did she agree to accompany him to the Matthiessen ranch when all it could do was bring back dangerous memories?
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