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When does Final Option (The Oregon Files) drop? Looking for Final Option (The Oregon Files) publication? You’ve come to the right place. See below for the latest Final Option (The Oregon Files) publication information!
Final Option (The Oregon Files)
A book by:
Publisher: Michael Joseph
Final Option (The Oregon Files) RELEASE DATE
Final Option (The Oregon Files) Synopsis
The Oregon crew face their greatest threat - a ship as secretive and powerful as their own and an enemy from their captain's past every bit as wily and canny as Cabrillo himself...
When the CIA realizes the identities of three American spies in Brazil have been compromised, they turn to Juan Cabrillo and the crew of the Oregon to rescue the agents. What seems a routine operation turns out to be a trap designed by Juan Cabrillo's greatest enemy, a man driven by hate to seek the ultimate revenge. At the heart of the plot is a state-of-the-art ship that is identical to the Oregon: same weaponry, same technology, same ability to evade capture. The only thing it doesn't have is Cabrillo and his talented crew. But will they be enough to go up against the one ship that rivals their own?
The crew of the Oregon must piece together a series of disturbing events, including the mysterious sinking of a nuclear attack submarine and the possible discovery of a WWI-era weapon that was thought to be lost in the jungles of Brazil, in the ultimate game of cat and mouse.
A high-stakes high seas mission packed with page-turning intrigue and exhilarating suspense, Final Option proves once again that no one writes adventure like Clive Cussler.
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