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Fatal Accusation
A book by:
Publisher: HQN Books
Fatal Accusation RELEASE DATE
Fatal Accusation Synopsis
A deadly serious affair…
The story breaks as Metro PD lieutenant Sam Holland attends a dinner party with her husband, Vice President Nick Cappuano: President Nelson is accused of having an affair. More shocking still, campaign staffer Tara Weber claims the president fathered her newborn son—while the First Lady was undergoing secret cancer treatment.
When a high-profile murder case hits Sam’s desk, she’s shocked to uncover a connection to the presidential scandal. With the department caught up in its own internal scandals, and the chief’s job hanging by a thread, Sam questions who she can trust as her team uncovers information that clouds an already-murky case. And with calls for the president to resign getting louder by the minute, Sam needs to close this case before she finds herself living at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue…
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I have thoroughly enjoyed reading all of Marie Force “Fatal series”. Is Fatal Vengence another book in the series? I really hate to see the series end. I have also read many, many of her other books. Thank you for any information…